Search Videos 86 videos found 0:59 A meeting between Izeta and Alemko 13 views Meetings with cured patients 2:43 Glioblastoma – brain cancer 37 views Brain cancer,Brain diseases,Cancer The patient had Glioblastoma, the most aggressive type of brain cancer, stage four.... 6:19 Halida Telalović, Sarajevo 24 views Breast cysts,Cysts,Fibroids,Fibrosis of the lungs,Lung diseases,Thyroid cysts,Uterine fibroids,Women's diseases In the final stage of several diseases that the patient had, lung fibrosis appeared... 5:19 Izeta Mulasmajić Šagolj, Zavidovići 30 views Cancer,Esophageal cancer,Liver cancer,Lungs cancer,Uterine cancer Mrs. Izeta had cancers on all vital organs - liver, esophagus, lungs and uterus.... 3:15 Mirsada, Kakanj 44 views Breast Cancer Ms. Mirsada was diagnosed with breast cancer. She stopped eating, she ... 1:00 A 3-month-old baby 39 views Anemia,Bronchitis and pneumonia,Immunity,Lung diseases A friend has a baby who had liver surgery at 3 months old. After the ... 3:42 Dželil, Rudo 60 views Asthma,Diabetes 2,Liver and stomach pain,Lung diseases Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Dzelil had several serious illnesses: diabetes type 2 (sugar level ... 2:46 Hasan Turčinović, Kakanj 78 views Bladder cancer Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Hasan suffered from severe bladder cancer with metastases. He was ... 2:54 Milovan 1, Rudo 97 views Alcoholism Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Milovan had problems that he tried to solve with alcohol. He ... 1:49 Milovan, Rudo 86 views Deadly hornet stings Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Milovan was stung by three hornets, a wasp and a bee in a time ... 2:16 Milunka, Rudo 87 views Anemia,Damaged esophagus,Damaged stomach,Uterine cysts,Uterine fibroids Bosnia and Herzegovina Mrs. Milunka had major health problems. She had a damaged stomach and ... 0:59 Mr. Amir’s son-in-law 68 views Brain diseases,Stroke Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Amir's son-in-law had 2 strokes. After that, he had problems with ... 123…8»Page 1 of 8