Mujčinović Semija, Živinice Semija had unbearable pain, she had no appetite … three days after starting the therapy by “AN Carstvo prirode”, the pain stopped and now she eats normally, doing all the housework and in the garden. Cancer,Liver cancer Bosnia and Herzegovina 25 views You may also like 2:43 Glioblastoma – brain cancer 34 views Brain cancer,Brain diseases,Cancer The patient had Glioblastoma, the most aggressive type of brain cancer, stage four.... 5:19 Izeta Mulasmajić Šagolj, Zavidovići 24 views Cancer,Esophageal cancer,Liver cancer,Lungs cancer,Uterine cancer Mrs. Izeta had cancers on all vital organs - liver, esophagus, lungs and uterus.... 3:42 Dželil, Rudo 58 views Asthma,Diabetes 2,Liver and stomach pain,Lung diseases Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Dzelil had several serious illnesses: diabetes type 2 (sugar level ... 2:46 Hasan Turčinović, Kakanj 77 views Bladder cancer Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Hasan suffered from severe bladder cancer with metastases. He was ... 2:54 Milovan 1, Rudo 95 views Alcoholism Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Milovan had problems that he tried to solve with alcohol. He ... 1:49 Milovan, Rudo 85 views Deadly hornet stings Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Milovan was stung by three hornets, a wasp and a bee in a time ... 2:16 Milunka, Rudo 82 views Anemia,Damaged esophagus,Damaged stomach,Uterine cysts,Uterine fibroids Bosnia and Herzegovina Mrs. Milunka had major health problems. She had a damaged stomach and ... 0:59 Mr. Amir’s son-in-law 68 views Brain diseases,Stroke Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Amir's son-in-law had 2 strokes. After that, he had problems with ... 0:59 Amir 76 views Hypertension Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Amir for 9 years had very high blood pressure with potentially ... 2:31 Ismeta 75 views Cancer,Kidney cancer,Liver cancer,Lungs cancer,Stomach cancer Bosnia and Herzegovina 123…7»Page 1 of 7