Legal form

The planned project is “Clinical and Hospitalization Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adult Patients after Chemo” Rudo, the town of Setihovo-­Grivin, in the capacity of a limited liability company for services of residence with headquarters in Rudo, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The company would establish legal entities Agricultural Cooperative Ecological Lims Pearl” p.o. Rudo and OD AN “Empire of Nature” Ilidža with founding capital in the amount of 6,250,000.00 KM. The initial number of employees would be 35 (thirtyfive) employees.

The annual turnover in the first year of operation would be in the amount of about 2.300.000,00 KM, with a tendency of increase in the following period.

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Call one of our agents. Choose the language you want to talk in. If the agent is busy, you can leave a message. The agent will call you when he sees a missed call.