
For the micro location of the operations of the Center, the area of the municipality of Rudo is selected, that is, the natural reserve in the far east of Bosnia and Herzegovina, near the border with Serbia, while for the macro location the area of the whole South-Eastern Europe is selected.

Not only in this region, but in the whole region, there is no such center that offers services from the description of its activity. An additional advantage of this location is easy access, easy entry to the country (without visa, quick procedure), then character and development concept of the destination (regulation, communal infrastructure, pedestrian zones, non-conflict activities).

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Call one of our agents. Choose the language you want to talk in. If the agent is busy, you can leave a message. The agent will call you when he sees a missed call.
Call one of our agents. Choose the language you want to talk in. If the agent is busy, you can leave a message. The agent will call you when he sees a missed call.