Danijela Stojanović, Draženka Raković, Podgorica

Danijela Stojanović suffered from breast cancer with metastasis to the axillary glands. She was being treated with chemotherapy. After the fourth chemotherapy, she fell ill and ended up in Oncology with a diagnosis of “life-threatening”.

She started using products – “AN Carstvo prirode” and on the third day she was better, she left the hospital.

She continued to use these products and after the first ultrasound scan the cancer was much smaller, and after the second ultrasound scan it was barely noticeable. After the third scan the cancer did not exist.

Draženka Raković was susceptible to viral inflammation, herpes, bronchitis and pneumonia – every winter she had pneumonia or severe bronchitis; after the beginning of the use of the product “AN Kingdom of Nature” it stopped happening.

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