Марина Ђорђевић, Ариље

Ms. Marina was diagnosed with fibroids of almost 9 mm in size, which were inoperable. In addition to this severe illness, Ms. Marina had chronic asthma and type 2 diabetes. Due to high blood sugar levels, Ms. Marina began antidiabetic therapy that did not produce the desired results. After she started therapy with AN Carstvo prirode preparations, the myoma was reduced to the size of a pea, which was an amazing discovery for doctors.

Можда ће ти се свидети и

Muhamed Ušanović
Г. Мухамед има дијабетес типа 2. Његово стање се постепено погоршавало јер му шећер у крви није био адекватно контролисан...
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Hodžic Hasan
Hasan's mother hashad  COVID that caused serious lung inflammation. Her condition was extremely difficult...
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Amira Hasić, Gračanica
The girl Ermina Hasić was born with a heart defect. In 2016, she was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome....
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Ajša Lemeš, Visoko
Ајша Лемеш је девојчица која је боловала од тешког облика бронхитиса који се појавио после њене 4. године.
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Zikret Selimović, Mramor kod Tuzle
Mr. Zikret contracted liver cancer. After the findings, he went to hospital where he received therapy....
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Aldin, Zavidovići
Aldin suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and his prognosis was very poor, there was little time left for Aldin, days, if not hours....
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Mirsada Ajdinović, Germany
Mirsada was suffering from breast cancer, size 4cm * 9cm. She used chemotherapy that didn't help...
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Danijela Stojanović, Draženka Raković, Podgorica
Рак дојке са метастазама у аксиларне жлезде, вирус херпеса, бронхитис и пнеумонија, вирусна упала
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Mrs. Milić, Nikšić
Malignant tumor of the pancreas
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