Slavko Nedic, speaks for his mother, Nikšić

Ms. Nedić was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and emergency surgery was recommended. During the operation, the doctors discovered that the cancer had spread to the liver and blood vessels and they were not able to remove the cancer. The prognosis for Ms. Nedić was very bad. After 20 days, Ms. Nedić was discharged from the hospital and began therapy from the AN Carstvo prirode. After some time, Ms. Nedic went for a check-up, in which turned out that the cancer had stopped spreading and it was gradually receding on its own, which surprised the doctors. Currently, Ms. Nedić is completely healthy, without the presence of cancer.

Можда ће ти се свидети и

Dejan, Podgorica,  Dejan speaks on behalf of his sister in law
In 2019, Mr. Dejan's sister in law was diagnosed with breast cancer....
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Saša Kraljević, Nikšić
Господин Саша већ дуги низ година болује од хроничне астме и од детињства користи кортикостероиде....
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Tatjana Mirković, Podgorica
Ms. Tatjana was diagnosed with uterine cancer a few years ago. The cancer was already in an advanced stage when it was discovered...
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Bećir Mujanović, Turbe
Господин Бећир болује од рака плућа од 2019. Господин Бећир је подвргнут хемотерапији и зрачењу....
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Muhamed Ušanović
Г. Мухамед има дијабетес типа 2. Његово стање се постепено погоршавало јер му шећер у крви није био адекватно контролисан...
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Zikret Selimović, Mramor kod Tuzle
Mr. Zikret contracted liver cancer. After the findings, he went to hospital where he received therapy....
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Mirsada Ajdinović, Germany
Mirsada was suffering from breast cancer, size 4cm * 9cm. She used chemotherapy that didn't help...
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Danijela Stojanović, Draženka Raković, Podgorica
Рак дојке са метастазама у аксиларне жлезде, вирус херпеса, бронхитис и пнеумонија, вирусна упала
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Mrs. Milić, Nikšić
Malignant tumor of the pancreas
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