Edin Bogunović, Sarajevo

Edin suddenly contracted epilepsy 17 years ago. His health condition was very serious. Edin also had 4-7 episodes of seizures daily before the introduction of AN Carstvo prirode preparations. Edin’s attacks stopped after the introduction of the therapy, and he has been stable for 4-5 years. Edin is currently married and has a family. His mother Slavka talks about his case.

Можда ће ти се свидети и

Amela Kulenović, mother of Skenderović Šaban Jusuf
Госпођа Амела је са нама поделила борбу њеног сина Шабана Јусуфа са опаком болешћу која га је задесила када је напунио седам година...
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