Рабија Салић, Вогошћа

Rabija Salić  suffered from severe pneumonia 43 years ago, which has left a stain on her lungs. That stain had been present for 43 years, doctors claimed there was no cure for it. After using the therapy made by “AN Carstvo prirode”, that stain disappeared.

She was diagnosed with COVID-19, she was in a very difficult health situation, she could not stand on her feet, she was crawling around the house (she lived alone). After 5 days of using the “AN Carstvo prirode” therapy, she started walking and recovered.

Можда ће ти се свидети и

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Дечак Ријад је рођен са веома тешком дијагнозом, церебралном парализом. Чим је почела терапија, његово здравље се драстично променило...
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Tamara Katic 13 years old, bone cancer, treated without success in many hospitals, great progress in treatment with preparations "AN Carstvo prirode"
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