Нико Јурош, Арау, Швајцарска

Niko suffered from gastric cancer with liver metastases. He was treated in clinics in Switzerland and Europe, his health state and diagnoses were very bad, the doctors’ prognosis was very pessimistic, they thought that he had very little life left.

He has been using “AN Carstvo prirode” preparations for two months. After ten days he noticed that he felt better, ate better and slept better. Within a month the liver metastases completely disappeared, and the stomach cancer was reduced by a large percentage.

The doctors were  very surprised and he felt great. He himself arrived by car from Switzerland to visit the ” AN Carstvo prirode ” and see the place where the preparations that saved his life are produced.

He gave this interview on that occasion.

Можда ће ти се свидети и

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