Milica Nikolić, Danilovgrad

Ms. Milica’s mother suffered from pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to the liver. The cancer spread so much in a short time that doctors predicted that the mother would live another month or two at best. After starting therapy with AN Carstvo prirode preparations, the mother begins to feel much better, has an appetite, does not lose weight, and tolerates chemotherapy well. The blood count is very good and after 6 cycles of chemotherapy, the cancer recedes.

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Suljkanović Sedina, Gradačac
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Fahrudin Hodžić, Tuzla
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Mujčinović Semija, Živinice
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Fadil Ibrahimović
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Sead Bajramović
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Nisveta, Zavidovići
Ms. Nisveta had cancer of three organs, the cervix, the adrenal blood vessel and the bones. The cervical cancer was initially diagnosed and  removed....
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Šabić Muhedin, Zenica
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