Mašić Rabija

Mrs. Rabija contracted jaw cancer. Since Ms. Rabija is an elderly lady and the disease was in an advanced stage, the doctors concluded that surgery was not an option. Shortly afterwards, Ms. Rabija began therapy with AN Carstvo prirode preparations, began cleansing the entire organism, after which her health began to improve drastically. Appetite has improved, the disease has stopped progressing and Ms. Rabia can speak clearly again

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Marina Đorđević, Arilje
Госпођи Марини су дијагностиковани миоми величине скоро 9 мм, који су били неоперабилни....
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Rabija Salić, Vogošća
Рабија Салић је пре 43 године оболела од тешке упале плућа, која је оставила мрљу на плућима...
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Milica Nikolić, Danilovgrad
Ms. Milica's mother suffered from pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to the liver...
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Ms. Nura, Kakanj
Госпођа Нура је боловала од рака материце који је имао много метастаза и споредних компликација, укључујући мождани удар....
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Mrs. Grošić, Visoko
For 4 years Mrs. Grošić was almost immobile, she walked very hard with the help of two walking sticks, she had pain in her legs..
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Senad Bešić, Visoko
Senad had severe seizures, 15-20 seizures per month, and sometimes 4-5 seizures in one day....
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Jasmina and Abdulah Ušanović, Sarajevo
In May 2020, Ms. Jasmine was diagnosed with breast cancer with liver metastases. Doctors pointed out that Ms. Jasmina had a few more months to live....
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Suljkanović Sedina, Gradačac
Sedina was suffering from severe cancer. After a year of treatment, the clinic dropped her case, declaring her cancer incurable....
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Fahrudin Hodžić, Tuzla
Фахрудин Хоџић боловао је од рака једњака и плућа. Први симптоми су били слаб апетит и несаница. Скенирање плућа показало је велику мрљу...
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Mujčinović Semija, Živinice
Semija had unbearable pain, she had no appetite ... three days after starting the therapy by "AN Carstvo prirode"...
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