Марина Ђорђевић, Ариље

Ms. Marina was diagnosed with fibroids of almost 9 mm in size, which were inoperable. In addition to this severe illness, Ms. Marina had chronic asthma and type 2 diabetes. Due to high blood sugar levels, Ms. Marina began antidiabetic therapy that did not produce the desired results. After she started therapy with AN Carstvo prirode preparations, the myoma was reduced to the size of a pea, which was an amazing discovery for doctors.

Можда ће ти се свидети и

Aldijana Goražde I
Млада Алдијана се већ 11 година бори са опаком болешћу, раком који је захватио више органа....
1ТП2Т прегледа
Tamara Katić
Tamara Katic 13 years old, bone cancer, treated without success in many hospitals, great progress in treatment with preparations "AN Carstvo prirode"
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Niko Juroš, Arau, Switzerland
Нико је боловао од рака желуца са метастазама на јетри. Лечио се на клиникама у Швајцарској и Европи....
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Zemka Mila, Jablanica
Zemka was suffering from apple-sized breast cancer. The doctor stated that the situation was urgent....
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Ms. Stana, Doboj
Ms. Stana had a kidney tumor a few years ago andit  was surgically removed....
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Ramo Alić, Danska
Господин Рамо Алић из Данске имао је веома тешку дијагнозу, агресиван облик тумора на мозгу....
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Emir Fejzić, Ustikolina
Mr. Emir was diagnosed with cancer of the liver, adrenal glands and lungs...
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