Фахрудин Хоџић, Тузла

Fahrudin Hodžić suffered from a esophageal and lung cancer. The first symptoms were poor appetite and insomnia. Lung scans showed a large stain, and a blood test showed a catastrophic condition. A part of the lungs 8 * 9 cm was removed and it was determined that it was carcinogenic. He had two chemotherapies that he barely survived.

After that he started using “AN Carstvo prirode” preparations.

He noticed the first results within 3-4 days: he started eating normally, stopped vomiting and started moving independently.

Now he feels great, and all the latest blood tests and analyzes are very good, unlike the results of the analysis just before the start of taking the preparation “AN Carstvo prirode”.

Можда ће ти се свидети и

Г. Амир је 9 година имао веома висок крвни притисак са потенцијално ...
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