Emir Fejzić, Ustikolina

Mr. Emir was diagnosed with cancer of the liver, adrenal glands and lungs. As a result of a serious illness, Mr. Emir was very exhausted, unable to move without the help of his wife. He found out about the preparations of the AN of the Kingdom of Nature and ordered them. Already after 15 days, Mr. Emir gained weight and strengthened.

Можда ће ти се свидети и

Niko Juroš, Arau, Switzerland
Нико је боловао од рака желуца са метастазама на јетри. Лечио се на клиникама у Швајцарској и Европи....
1ТП2Т прегледа
Zemka Mila, Jablanica
Zemka was suffering from apple-sized breast cancer. The doctor stated that the situation was urgent....
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Ms. Stana, Doboj
Ms. Stana had a kidney tumor a few years ago andit  was surgically removed....
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Ramo Alić, Danska
Господин Рамо Алић из Данске имао је веома тешку дијагнозу, агресиван облик тумора на мозгу....
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Dragoje Milan, Istočno Sarajevo
Mr. Milan suddenly contracted bone and prostate cancer. Chemotherapy was not an option due to Mr. Milan's poor blood tests...
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Hasiba i Esad Kurtović, Bihać
The daughter of Mrs. Hasiba and Mr. Esad was very young with breast cancer with metastases to the liver, bones and lymph vessels...
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Softić Sabina, Kladanj
Ms. Sabina suffered from limb pain a few years ago that had no known etiology. She tried all conventional therapies....
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Hodžić Mustafa
Hodzic Mustafa suffered from colon cancer, which was operated on, followed by chemotherapy.
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Edin Bogunović, Sarajevo
Боловао је од епилепсије 17 година, лечио се препаратима "АН Царство природе"
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Marina Đorđević, Arilje
Госпођи Марини су дијагностиковани миоми величине скоро 9 мм, који су били неоперабилни....
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