Aldin, Zavidovići

Young man Aldin, 22, Zavidovići,  suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and his prognosis was very poor, there was little time left for Aldin, days, if not hours. Aldin was in hospital, breathing with the help of an oxygen bottle. His parents found out about the AN Kingdom of Nature products and ordered them. The director of the AN of the Kingdom of Nature was aware of the urgency of the situation and in a very short time the preparations reached Aldin. A few days after the therapy, Aldin’s CT of the lungs showed that the inflammation had completely disappeared.

Можда ће ти се свидети и

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Zikret Selimović, Mramor kod Tuzle
Mr. Zikret contracted liver cancer. After the findings, he went to hospital where he received therapy....
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