Halida Telalović, Sarajevo

In the final stage of several diseases that the patient had, lung fibrosis appeared…

Doctors operated on fibrosis, after which the patient had chronic fatigue, she lay in bed for 24 hours, did not get up, and yet she was tired…

The doctors couldn’t find a solution.

In addition to fibrosis, the patient previously had a large number of various diseases: cysts on the thyroid gland, fibroids on the uterus, cysts and tumors on the breasts, very bad findings for the kidneys and liver…

After starting to use the preparation “AN Carstvo Prirode” she felt very well on the tenth day. The ultrasound of the thyroid gland showed that there were no cysts at all, and the fibroids on the uterus had completely dried up…

The doctor did not believe the first ultrasound, he thought the device was broken, but the second device confirmed the findings.

She has been using these preparations for three months, she feels great, she is a completely healthy woman, and she climbs the hill at the nearby picnic area with her friends without any problems.

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