Proizvodnja zdrave vode

Much of the world has problems due to lack of drinking water. Many scientists believe that this will be one of the biggest problems in the near future, and some statesmen believe that the reason for the Third World War could be the struggle for drinking water resources.

There are seven sources of healthy, drinking water on our property.

The capacity of one of the springs is 7,000.000 liters of drinking water in 24 hours or 81.4 l / sec.

There are facilities next to the source that can be used for preparation and bottling of water.

For those interested, we are ready to prepare a project for the exploitation of this water.

See Chemical-Bacteriological analysis (PDF)

See a page with videos and photos of the source.

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Pokličite enega od naših agentov. Izberite jezik, v katerem želite govoriti. Če je agent zaseden, lahko pustite sporočilo. Agent vas bo poklical, ko bo videl neodgovorjen klic.
Pokličite enega od naših agentov. Izberite jezik, v katerem želite govoriti. Če je agent zaseden, lahko pustite sporočilo. Agent vas bo poklical, ko bo videl neodgovorjen klic.