Nabava transportne opreme in zalog:

  • Delivery vehicles for the transport of raw materials and other materials as well as vehicles transport of guests.
  • The inventory category represents specific means of operation that are characteristic of the hotel. The furniture includes furniture in the rooms of the hotel intended for guests – accommodation units.
  • The inventory consists of kitchen and restaurant dishes and cutlery from common materials, handy kitchen and restaurant equipment and tools, protective and work clothes and footwear.
  • Part of the funds will be needed to settle the necessary fees and fees in the name of issuing business start-up licenses.
Pošljite nam sporočilo preko kontaktnega obrazca
Pokličite enega od naših agentov. Izberite jezik, v katerem želite govoriti. Če je agent zaseden, lahko pustite sporočilo. Agent vas bo poklical, ko bo videl neodgovorjen klic.
Pokličite enega od naših agentov. Izberite jezik, v katerem želite govoriti. Če je agent zaseden, lahko pustite sporočilo. Agent vas bo poklical, ko bo videl neodgovorjen klic.
Pokličite enega od naših agentov. Izberite jezik, v katerem želite govoriti. Če je agent zaseden, lahko pustite sporočilo. Agent vas bo poklical, ko bo videl neodgovorjen klic.