Izolacijska dela

  • Heat insulation reduces energy costs
  • Winter saves heat – in summer it protects against heat
  • Installation of the exterior walls and ceilings above the outside air by the design of an ETICS thermal insulation system with 14 cm thick mineral wool
  • Installation of an intact roof with thermal insulation of 20 cm thick roof wool mineral wool.
  • Installation of exterior joinery of heated areas
  • Installation of thermostatic radiator valves
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Pokličite enega od naših agentov. Izberite jezik, v katerem želite govoriti. Če je agent zaseden, lahko pustite sporočilo. Agent vas bo poklical, ko bo videl neodgovorjen klic.
Pokličite enega od naših agentov. Izberite jezik, v katerem želite govoriti. Če je agent zaseden, lahko pustite sporočilo. Agent vas bo poklical, ko bo videl neodgovorjen klic.