Nisveta, Zavidovici

Ms. Nisveta had cancer of three organs, the cervix, the adrenal blood vessel and the bones. The cervical cancer was initially diagnosed and  removed. After three years, cancer appears on the veins of the adrenal glands and on the bones. Numerous chemotherapies have greatly weakened Ms. Nisveta. After 10 chemotherapy treatments, Ms. Nisveta was completely exhausted and felt broken. Soon after starting the therapy of AN Carstvo prirode, Mrs. Nisveta is gradually starting to recover, her overall health is improving. After PET SCAN findings read at a private clinic in Turkey, the doctor found that the cancer had completely receded from her body.

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Mrs. Milić, Nikšić
Tumeur maligne du pancréas
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Milunka Krsmanović
Système immunitaire, glande thyroïde, poumons, foie, estomac, maladies féminines, hémorroïdes, maladies de la peau
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Family Đordjevic, Belgrade
Diabète 2, plaie cervicale, fibromes utérins, prostate, système immunitaire
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Ikanović Taiba, Salzburg
Cancer de l'estomac
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