Tore der Mitte

The goal of the center would be to help our users of services by providing quality stay and healthy nutrition, in order to strengthen the body and feel healthier. Also, the goal would be to encompass all activities of the Center, from the initial idea to the provision of services, and keeping the positive image and trust of the public as the cornerstone of our work. By continuously raising the value of the image of the business image on the market, they would include and build the socio-cultural and economic-social aspects of the society. In the forthcoming period, the center would have general and specific goals that retain the core values, expressed through the ability to create new services and new values for users and business partners, stimulating market business  culture and creating a motivating work environment for all workers

General Objective 1 – Development of new services and markets

Specific objectives:

1.1. Encouraging the innovation climate

1.2. Defining new services in existing markets

1.3. Opening new markets for existing services

1.4. Entering new markets with new services

General objective 2.- Development and improvement of human resources

Specific objectives:

2.1. Employee education and career development

2.2. Setting up a pay system and rewarding an appropriate market operation and creating business results

2.3. Introduction of a performance monitoring system

de_CH_informalDeutsch (Schweiz, Du)
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