Milovan, Rudo

Mr. Milovan was stung by three hornets, a wasp and a bee in a time interval of only 5 minutes, in the same place, in the back of the head, where the blood vessels branch from the brain.

The sting of two or three hornets is life-threatening, exactly the same as is the bite of a poisonous snake, especially when the bite is in such a sensitive area.

His body became stiff, he could not breathe, he ran out of air.

Since this happened at the location where “AN Carstvo Prirode” (Empire of Nature) preparations are produced and stored, they urgently made a strong mixture of these preparations.

He drank that mixture, he felt very hot, he started to sweat incredibly, he was completely wet, after half an hour he felt that he was breathing better, that his neck was not stiff, he started to recover…

After an hour he had no consequences from the bite, he was fine.


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